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Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas 2012

We have a WHITE CHRISTMAS!!! That may not be a big deal in many areas of the country/world - but, here in North Texas, this is a BIG deal!!! Seeing as we didn't even get a snowflake last winter, to have "stickable" snow on CHRISTMAS DAY is the epitome of a christmas miracle!! Lol! We were all so excited as the freezing rain of the morning started changing to fat, white snowflakes.... that combined with the twinkling lights of our christmas decor and enjoying being in our new home - today was God's special gift to me! (: We had a lovely, quieter family Christmas this year - just us - and it was nice. Feel like I'm "starting" to get a bit of a foothold on new traditions and routines that I want to put in place for my family. Love the quiet evenings once the kids go to bed - been able to have a few moments (tagged together!!) for reflection and peace. I am so thankful for these times. I feel like the over-riding theme of what God has been speaking into