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Showing posts from August, 2013

Back to school 2013

First day of school 2013/2014! My littlest guy, trekking off with his backpack. Oh! It is "back to school" time...the temperature is still "far-too-hot" degrees, the sun still shines when the clock says "bedtime"... Pool toys litter the deck, the bubblers splashing water into a sparkling, empty pool. The easy, meandering time of summer is still beckoning...but it is "back-to-school" time!  It's an exciting time of year, full of new beginnings, idealism, hope for the "what-ifs" and I love this time of year... Routine & structure are coming back and I feed off of structure!! Stability & peace are the words that come to mind... :) It also means the glimmer of hope has begun for cooler weather, autumn, thanksgiving festivities and Christmas wonder -- with 5 kid birthdays intermingled!!! Lol :) My big kids have already started back to school and my little one starts this week. Oh! I'm not sure I'm ready to let him go!! He...

Life of a parent!!

We have been traveling quite a bit this summer, doing a lot of long distance driving trips. I've really enjoyed these trips and the time spent as a family - even with the close confines! We've racked up a load of audible book hours and have streamlined the gas station bathroom process!! :D All of this has led to an increase in eating out and we are slowly making progress with that situation! LOL!! While finishing up a Chick-fil-a breakfast during our most recent trip, I was fighting the urge to gripe at the kids about the messy tabletop. I looked around our table at the oblivious youngsters, laughing and interacting together and was struck with the thought, " grateful for these messes! What if you didn't have the blessing of these kiddos, you wouldn't have a mess, but you wouldn't have them either..." I sat back, decided to be thankful instead and laughed to myself as I wrote up the following list of things I will one day miss about these busy, hecti...


It's been a busy summer! Full of travels (I'm getting good at long distance car drives!), new experiences, family growth, fond memories, spontaneous fun days with the kids... It's been a good summer. So thankful for each of these moments!! I'm attempting to be "intentional" about being thankful... I believe it makes my Father happy & it keeps my heart attitude in alignment with the truth of eternity :) A friend was visiting the other night for some long overdue "catch-up time" and we were both amazed as we realized this is our family's 3rd school year coming up since Cj died... How did that happen?! I can't believe how the time has passed.... William will be 3 years old in a few months and he is starting to be "aware" that things are different for him... We found a little picture book that I put together in the first months after Cj died -- I was concerned that William not forget his daddy's face. We titled it, "Will...